IT professionals and engineers are familiar with overheating issues in IT infrastructure hardware like server, storage, and networking products. Overheating a server is a serious issue to deal with urgently. Every IT hardware system has inbuilt fans to avoid overheating of IT hardware products. For most of the servers and networks, only fans not sufficient to provide adequate cooling. That is why generating the right temperature, and a secure environment for servers and other IT hardware is necessary for a datacenter.
Indications of Server overheating:
- The server turns off unexpectedly on its own is the vital sign of server overheating.
- Server freeze while running heavy workloads.
- The server produces memory errors frequently.
Effects of server overheating:
- Server nodes generate a lot of heat. So every server has CPU cooling fans, and data center server rooms are designed with high-tech ventilation to take the heat from the server reduce the temperature inside the server.
- Due to overheating, the temperature of the nodes around the CPU rises to 90°F. If it stays at that heat level for several minutes, it may lead to the blasting of the CPU or the melting down of the server. It is a critical situation for business because nothing can be repairable and affects all essential business operations.
- In some cases, the CPU replaced, and the server is functioning again after the incident. But the essential components like memory, motherboard, and power supply are exposed to heat during a meltdown and end up in failure after the CPU replacement. So melting down affects the entire server adversely and the business as well.
- Server overheating also causes a server crash and leads to critical information loss.
How to avoid servers from overheating?
- It is not easy to buy a new server or repair and replace the CPU and motherboard. Hence avoiding server overheating is essential for a datacenter.
Tips to increase cooling in the server room:
- Check the room regularly.
- Check the ventilator locations and the working conditions of the ventilator.
- Check for the airflow inside the server room.
- Keep the cooling fan in preferred locations to get the best airflow possible.
- Reduce messing up in the server room for proper airflow and circulation in a safe server room.
- Arrange the server room in such a way to reach easily to those hardest to reach areas of the server room.
- Server rooms with low temperatures are the best strategy to avoid overheating. The server room temperature should be below 77°F is suitable for all IT hardware inside the server room.
- Fix blanking panels in the empty spaces on the server rack because empty spaces in the server rack reduce the airflow.
- Rack enclosure with the built-in cooling system is useful for server cooling.
- Install temperature monitoring solution in the server room to monitor the temperature regularly.
- For every system, use the specially designed redundant power supply.
- Installing the best, neat, and planned cooling strategies reduce the server room dangers.
Renting a physical server essential for a short duration, IT projects, and a startup company is the best idea to reduce the IT cost. Renting servers become more popular among the SMBs and also corporates. Server rental relieves you from the maintenance and monitoring of the server throughout the rental duration.